Keep your family safe by learning more about the following conditions.
Strep throat usually presents with headache, sore throat, and fatigue but can include a cough, nausea, and vomiting.
When it comes to flu, you’re more likely to see body aches, headaches, fevers, chills, and fatigue, and it hits quickly and hard. You usually feel like you were hit by a train. People who get it will feel better in a few days. However, some people may develop complications like pneumonia if not treated and can also experience severe illness.
COVID-19 symptoms often start slowly and then escalate quickly. It causes a ton of nasal congestion, headache, and fatigue and can cause a sore throat, cough, and difficulty breathing. People with chronic illnesses need to be evaluated as they are at increased risk of severe complications and can be treated with Paxlovid (an antiviral), which significantly reduces the risk of death and hospitalization from COVID-19. However, the patient must have the medicine within the first five days of illness and be seen within the first day or two of symptoms to give us time for the labs to return.
With RSV, wheezing and coughing are often the primary symptoms; it is primarily a respiratory illness and presents increased nasal congestion.
Coughing is reported with all three viral illnesses (COVID-19, RSV, and flu). RSV symptoms can also start mild before getting more serious.
If you experience any of these symptoms please seek medical attention.